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Thursday, April 19, 2012

1       My two favorite blogs are Gabe's and Oscars Gabe's on pythons and Oscar's on plagiarizing.

      I like Gabe's because I also think pythons are dangerous and people don't understand the damage they can do when they grow up instead of throwing them in the wild they could give them to a reptile zoo are so. I thought that Oscar's blog on plagiarizing because you could go to jail or worst for it and he's right if your going to copy it cite the web site and who wrote it, just write about the topic in your own words differeent.

      I think that i could improve on writing longer paragraphs and including beater details on my blogs. I think i could do what oscar did and write in seperate paragraphs like making body paragraphs. and last i think i could do like gabe and write all the posabilities of what would happen or might happen.

2     M.S. Galang is right allot of teachers are right they do reconize plagiarizing. They can eseacially reconize it if you write like an child and when you write sophisticated. He/ she could've wrote the source at the bottom of the page near the article. there are three ways to avoid plagiarism is for one don't think about copying something of the computer the teachers will find it. Second always write the web site you fond the information or write the person you got the info from. The last way to stop plagiarasm is to do your own work if you have a hard time ask a teacher for help.


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